Len Lindstrom is a well-known International Evangelist with a burning passion to reach lost eternal souls through purpose-driven ministry backed by the power and presence of the Holy Ghost and despite the fact that he has already been privileged to see over 11.5 million souls come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour — for which He gives God all the glory — he remains a man who is still hungry for much more of God.
A Canadian, born in Winnipeg Manitoba and raised in Prince George BC, his early life was wild, rough and rowdy as he grew up far away from the knowledge or reality of God — his early work like most of his peers began in the logging industry, but by the time Lindstrom was 20 he was superintendent of an industrial construction company and at age 21 he launched his own successful construction company.
Voted “Most likely to Succeed and Least likely to ever get Saved,” Len had a marvellous encounter with Jesus Christ right at home a couple years later while reading a book on March 29 1975, and his party-hardy lifestyle was dramatically transformed by the presence and reality of Almighty God. Sensing the divine call of God burning in his heart, he made a radical decision to disburse of everything he owned, sold his two new homes and basically gave away the rest of his earthly belongings including all his boy’s toys in total abandon and commitment to follow the “Call of God” which kicked off with a 3 year Pentecostal Curriculum gutted down to 10 months of highly extensive training at Canadian Bible Academy in Edmonton Alberta and from there went straight into ministry.

For the next 7-8 months he pastored a church in Kelowna BC which rapidly grew from a small handful of elderly folks struggling to hold the church together to a packed out church as God’s presence wonderfully came down with incredible miracles of healing and the fresh reality of God’s tangible presence. During that early stage of ministry the congregants may have called him pastor — but in actuality a fire-brand “evangelist” was already in the house!

Then sensing God had a much greater purpose for him, he resigned the church and all financial support and loaded his young family in the back of the “Pontiac Hotel” and began a life of living by faith as they criss-crossed western Canada preaching in native reserves, halls, hotels and churches — wherever the door was open and people were hungry for God — incredible miracles of healing followed the infallible Word of God everywhere he went — and the ministry rapidly grew.
In November 1980, at the end of his first of three 40 day fasts on water only, the Lord caught him out of his body and up in the Spirit and gave him a very dramatic life-changing experience as he beheld field after field of tens of thousands of darker skinned people calling on the Lord in nation after nation around the world — and a month and a half later the World Harvest global outreach to the nations began and since then Lindstrom has preached in over 100 nations around the world — preaching face to face to multiplied tens of millions of people, usually filling open fields, soccer grounds, stadiums or any venue possible with crowds that vary anywhere in size from 10 or 20 thousand to 100,000 and sometimes well over 200,000 in a single service.

In 1984 the Lord divinely inspired him to get a huge new Gospel Tent built in Texas — Canada’s largest — and for the next 12 years the summer seasons were filled with Holy Ghost Tent campaigns across Canada which brought many churches and large crowds together for the first time in over 120 Canadian cities and resulted in over 50,000 Canadian souls saved — and a myriad of outstanding miracles in Canada including multiplied hundreds of deaf, dumb, blind, crippled and cancers instantly healed — as Lindstrom has repeatedly and consistently proven that Jesus Christ is not only the same “Yesterday, Today and Forever” but He is also the same Saving Healing Delivering Jesus in more sophisticated, analytical Canada and America as He is in the developing nations!

In 1999 Len launched a weekly television program entitled “Miracles For You” which was broadcast at the time on several television networks in Canada, the United States and abroad to an additional 20 nations — and he is also a prolific author with many books published, several study manuals and a multitude of shorter articles, teachings and magazines.
Lindstrom is a firm believer in the strength and blessing generated by churches and ministries working together in unity and he has a passion to see Canadian churches strengthened and encouraged in the power of God’s Spirit but he is deeply concerned over the current dwindling state of the modern day Church in North America and its overall tragic numerical decline as seen in many recent demographic studies and experience.
As such, between continuing with his massive overseas soul-winning outreaches around the world, Lindstrom is undertaking the work of a true “Revivalist” in North America with a powerful and fearless voice calling the Church back to its “First Love” and back to true Holy Ghost “Book of Acts” style ministry which he believes is the only hope for our nations and for the modern day Church if we are to see a genuine Holy Ghost Revival and a great ingathering of souls in this end-time hour before the Lord returns.

Lindstrom’s ministry emphasizes the love, grace and power of the Living God towards all people regardless of religion or culture and, as already stated, has frequently drawn crowds of over 200,000 in a single service — as such, Len Lindstrom has often been recognized as one of the most fearless and influential international miracle soul-winning evangelists of the 20th century — and his faith building messages are “Word-Centred” and timely and he will surely be a blessing to all those who hear him.